Here I would like to discuss my thoughts on the meaning and how we collectively have killed it.
The lives of most people who have shelter, food to eat, and some money to spare revolve around only one thing this word ” Meaning”
We are sent into the pursuit of meaning to find it ourselves earlier some authority would tell us our life meaning and our goals in life. be it the state or the church.
Now as people and society has progressed we have come to realised life in itself has no meaning. we come from nothing to become nothing. Whatever we do in between this period is just us going a little closer to death.
Our different copes like the final judgment days, rebirth, or nirvana. Even the highest goal for oneself was and is considered to be free from all and achieve sat chit anand.
Many religions consider imagination as evil. which it is.
So how does one recover from this? I have been fighting this battle for some meaning for along time now and can only say it is a battle we are just carbon atoms who can think and do cool stuff. May we expend ourselves doing cool stuff as we are going to die nevertheless and pray to god that there is no rebirth.
this is still a developing idea in my brain I would like to study more on it.
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